Big Picture Selfies
Here's a reminder of who I am and what you can expect from Big Picture Selfies
Hello! I’m Victoria.
Lots of brand photographs talk about ideal clothes and colours. I don’t. I’m not really interested in that. I take photographs to reflect you and I always aim to photograph people to look as much like themselves as they actually are by capturing the essence of who they are.
I rarely wear clothes which match my brand and my clothes (and hair) are such a huge part of how I see myself that to do so would change something fundamentally in me.
When I did my last brand shoot, I did have three complete outfits (jackets, shoes, accessories - properly complete) and I had props (teddies, books, a film camera) but these were selected based on what I was trying to achieve, how they made me feel and what they revealed about me. I didn’t have my hair and makeup done - my hair I try to keep maintained regularly anyway and my makeup is always barely there, if at all.

Because if you’re taking the time to do yourself a set of selfies to complement your marketing, these things are irrelevant. Instead of worrying so much about you, there are some pretty significant things that photographers don’t generally share - and not because we’re intentionally hiding them from you but because it’s so ingrained it’s instinctive.
When we ask you to stand “there” it’s because we’ve very quickly assessed the location and considered what’s in the background, where the sun is, what you wanted from your shoot… it’s not a random, “Oh this will do. Smile.”
Why am I telling you this?
What you can expect from this course:
Part 1:
Better than Arm's Length
There are a few really simple things you can find in your house or buy to make things so much easier for yourself. In this section, I take you through these items and show you them in action in a series of short videos.
Part 2:
Why? What's your Purpose?
This section is a workbook for you to complete yourself and is broken into 4 section which will make sure your photographs totally complement your content (whether that’s your website, social media, guests slots, PR…)
Part 3:
Location, Location, Location
This section has includes a series of videos which give you a behind the scenes of me taking some selfies thinking more about the background and the lighting than about myself or my outfit!
In this short, "behind the scenes" style course, you’re going to go from obsessing about how you look to being able to see the bigger picture.
The bigger picture is one of the things that separates an amateur from a professional; that separates a decent selfie from an awesome selfie; one of the things that will save you time for the rest of your life because you’ll have the tools to hand, purpose behind you and the confidence to move forwards.
But what's even better, is that by the end, you'll have a suite of awesome selfies you can use to market your brand.
This is a Wix site (it's pretty gorgeous, right?) but can be a little glitchy. Here's what might happen when you click the button above.
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I don't have a tripod, can I still book a Virtual Photoshoot?You can! You don’t need a tripod. A filled tinned can is perfect, so if you have any canned goods in your cupboards, pick your favourite and grab yourself an elastic band, hair bobble or stretchy hair and and we’ll make it work. Gather a pile of books or magazines too - or a large box or two. We’ll run through this on our Nail the Technology call to ensure you’re all set up way before the shoot.
Why do I need an internet or data connection?The photographs are taken via the app and because it’s the way we “virtually” connect, we need a data connection to maintain that connection. If your connection is quite weak or poor, it can cause the images to pixelate and while that is fixable with editing, it can affect the image quality. If you’re worried you don’t have a strong enough data connection, arrange a call here and we’ll run a quick test for you. When you arrange a technology check call the cost will be deducted when you book or refunded if you’re unable to go ahead with the shoot.
Got a different question?Get in touch here.